Gordon L. Nelson Health Sciences Building


The Radiation Safety Committee is responsible for all radioactive material at the Florida Institute of Technology at all times. They are required to keep track of all sealed sources and isotopes no matter whether they are being used, stored, and disposed of as waste or in an animal carcass. At the same time, they are responsible for the health and safety of every individual within this institution, required in order to protect the privilege to handle radioactive material.

The Radiation Safety Committee shall be responsible for establishing radioisotope protection regulations as set forth in the Florida Department of Health (DOH), Control of Radiation Hazard Regulations, chapter 64E-5. The committee has final authority in all radioisotope safety operations at the Florida Institute of Technology. The RSO is responsible for the operational aspects of radiation safety to insure compliance with State of Florida administrative codes, and Federal regulations.


Selvin McLean
Director & RSO
Environmental Health & Safety

Dr. C.D. Polson
Department of Biological Sciences