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Campus and Workplace Violence Prevention

Applies to:Original Policy Date:Date of Last Review:Approved by:
All Florida Tech Employees, Students, Contractors, Vendors & Visitors December 2014 September 2023 Ryan Petersen

Policy Owner: Office of Human Resources

Policy Purpose

Florida Institute of Technology is committed to providing a safe and secure learning and working environment, free of any act or threat of physical violence, harassment, intimidation, or other threatening disruptive behavior. This policy provides guidelines related to preventing such behavior and addressing it, should it occur.

Policy Scope

All employees, students, contractors, vendors, and visitors at all university-owned, controlled, or leased properties, university-sponsored activities or events, and university-owned or leased vehicles during, before, or after regular class or work hours.

Policy Statement

Violent behavior, including conduct that threatens, intimidates, or coerces any person or group of people, is not tolerated on university-owned or controlled property or in the context of university programs and should be reported in accordance with policy guidelines. The university will promptly and thoroughly investigate all reports of threats or incidents and of suspicious individuals or activities.

The identity of the individual making a report will be protected as much as possible. Florida Tech will not retaliate against employees, students, or any other members of the university community making good-faith reports of violence, threats, or suspicious individuals or activities. To maintain workplace safety and the integrity of its investigation, Florida Tech may suspend employees suspected of workplace violence or threats of violence, either with or without pay, pending investigation.

University resources may not be used to threaten, stalk, or harass anyone at or outside the university or workplace. The university treats threats coming from an abusive personal relationship as it does other forms of violence.


In an emergency, individuals should secure their own safety and then call 911 or university security at 321-674-8111.

Indirect or direct threats of violence, incidents of actual violence, and suspicious individuals or activities should be reported as soon as possible to the Department of Security. Reports of threats or incidents of violence should be as specific and detailed as possible. Employees, students, and others should not place themselves in peril, nor should they attempt to intercede during an incident.

If employees or contractors are concerned that a situation could eventually escalate to violence, they should bring the matter to the attention of their supervisor(s) or Human Resources. Students with such concerns should bring the situation to the attention of the Office of the Dean of Students.

Any student or employee who has a protection order or no contact order related to conduct covered by the Title IX Sexual Harassment Policy should notify the Title IX Coordinator and provide a copy of the restraining order so that it may be kept on file with the institution and can be enforced on campus, if necessary. Upon learning of any orders, the university will take all reasonable and legal action to implement the order.

If not related to the Title IX Sexual Harassment Policy, employees and contractors should promptly inform the Office of Human Resources and students should inform the Office of the Dean of Students of any protective or restraining order that they have obtained that lists the workplace/campus as a protected area.

Employees and students are encouraged to report safety concerns with regard to intimate partner violence.

Possession of a weapon in violation of the university Weapons Policy may be considered a violation of this policy as well.


Violent behavior: Any act or threat of physical, verbal, or psychological aggression or the destruction or abuse of property by any individual. Threats may include veiled, conditional, or direct threats in verbal, written, electronic, or gestural form, resulting in intimidation, harassment, harm, or endangerment to the safety of another person or property.

Compliance Reference

General Duty Clause, Section 5(a)(1) of the Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970 29 USC 654


It is the responsibility of all members of the university community to take any threat or act of violence seriously and to report any such threats or incidents in accordance with this policy.

The Department of Security is responsible for responding to and investigating reports of violent threats or acts and immediately contacting law enforcement upon suspicion, detection, or report of criminal activity.

Human Resources is responsible for coordinating appropriate responses to employee reports of situations of concern or protective/restraining orders obtained by employees.

The Office of the Dean of Students is responsible for coordinating appropriate responses to student reports of situations of concern or protective/restraining orders obtained by students.

The Office of Title IX is responsible for coordinating appropriate responses to protective/restraining orders related to conduct covered by the Title IX Sexual Harassment Policy.


If found to be responsible for violent behavior, threats of violence, or other conduct that is in violation of this policy:

  • Employees may be subject to disciplinary action, including termination
  • Students may be subject to disciplinary action under the Student Code of Conduct
  • Contractors or vendors may be subject to contract termination and removal from university property
  • Visitors may be subject to removal from university property